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Zmienne i typy danych

workshop: #lesson-2.html

Warsztat: 1


  1. Upewnij się, że masz zainstalowany interpreter Python 3. Jeżeli nie, skonsultuj się z prowadzacym
  2. W katalogu domowym przygotuj katalog AD, a w nim mod1
  3. Twórz po kolei pliki skryptów z rozszerzeniem py dla każdego zadania z tego warsztatu wg. wzorca: app-1-1.py, app-1-2.py itp.
  4. Wywołuj skrypty w terminalu
1.1 Wyświetlanie informacji
# Chapter: 1.1
# Subject: Printing
# Time:	2 minutes
# Go!
print("F*** the World")
print('    /|')
print('   / |')
print('  /  |')
print(' /___|')

print("My name is Grzegorz")
print("My age is 30")
print("I like Lemonade")
print("I hate Garlic")
1.2 Deklaracja i dostęp do zmiennych
# Chapter: 1.2
# Subject: Variables
# Time:	3 minutes
# Go!
name = "Grzegorz"	# String
age = "30"			# String (but a Number)
like = "Lemonade"	# String
hate = "Garlic"		# String

print("My name is "+name)
print("My age is "+age)
print("I like "+like)
print("I hate "+hate)
1.3 Porównywanie wartości
# Chapter: 1.3
# Subject: Data types
# Time:	5 minutes
# Go!
table = '''
Operation	Meaning

	<	strictly less than

	<=	less than or equal

	>	strictly greater than

	>=	greater than or equal

	==	equal

	!=	not equal

	is	object identity

	is not	negated object identity'''
1.4 Moduł wspierający debugowanie
# Chapter: 1.4
# Subject: Variables & Types of Values
# Time:	6 minutes
# Go!
name = "Grzegorz"	# String
age = 30			# String (but a Number)
isMale = True		# String but a Boolean)
like = "Lemonade"	# String
hate = "Garlic"		# String

print("My name is "+name)
print("My age is "+age)
print('I\'am a male '+isMale)
print("\nI like "+like)
print("I hate "+hate)
1.5 Wbudowane funkcje
# Chapter: 1.5
# Subject: build in functions
# Time:	2 minutes
# Go!
name = "Grzegorz"	# String
age = 30			# Number
isMale = True		# Boolean
like = "Lemonade"	# String
hate = "Garlic"		# String

print("My name is "+name.upper())
print("   "+str(type(name)))
print("My age is "+str(age))
print("   "+str(type(age)))
print("I'am a male "+str(isMale))
print("   "+str(type(isMale)))
print("\nI like "+like+" as much as "+str(len(like))+" between 0-10")
print("I hate "+hate+" with length of ")
1.6Ciągi tekstowe jako tablice
# Chapter: 1.6
# Subject: arrays
# Time:	6 minutes
# Go!
name = "Grzegorz"	# String
age = 30			# Number
isMale = True		# Boolean
like = "Lemonade"	# String
hate = "Garlic"		# String

print("My name is "+str(name.index("z")))
print("My age is "+str(age))
print("I'am a "+str(isMale)+" male")
print("\nI like "+like[0].lower()+like.replace(like[0],""))
print("I hate "+hate[0])
1.7 Wartości liczbowe
# Chapter: 1.7
# Subject: numbers
# Time:	6 minutes
# Go!
from math import *

name = "Grzegorz"	# String
now = "2020"		# String
age = 1987			# Number
weight = 96.5		# Number (decimal)
isMale = True		# Boolean
like = "Microsoft"	# String
strength = -10		# Number (negative)
hate = like			# String

print("My name is "+name)
print("My weight is "+str(weight)+" at age "+str(int(now)-age))
print("Simple weight: "+str(round(weight)))
# lib IMPORT needed
print("True weight: "+str(ceil(weight)))
print("Fake weight: "+str(floor(weight)))
print("\nI like "+(like[0].lower()+like.replace(like[0],""))+" with strengt of "+str(strength))
print("I hate "+hate+" with strengt of "+str(abs(strength)))
